is a little wack
No, we're not gonna sugar coat it for you. Most of it is extremely strange, but some of it is occasionally, oddly, (dare we say it?) inspiring.
First of all it's all parody, so be prepared for that. Second of all, only one of us can really sing, so we'll leave it to you to figure out who that is.
Mostly we did this because it was fun, not because we're phenomenal showstoppers. But through time we've felt that even if our performance wasn't amazing, our writing is not half bad.
We hope that even if you don't appreciate the musical quality of our music, it will at least bring a smile to your face, because that's all we've ever tried to do.
Also. . .uh, don't forget to check out them music videos, yeah? That's why we wrote the music in the first place!