Spencer Broadhead

Husband. Musician. Number Wizard.
Spencer is a proud husband, returned missionary, and student of practical numerical application (Accounting). He earned his Associate's degree from LDSBC and is currently studying at BYU-Idaho with his wife, working several jobs and keeping quite busy!
The most musically inclined of the Broken Toothpicks, Spencer has been playing music for presumably more than half his life whether that be trumpet, drums, guitar, or vocals - and probably another instrument or two in there. He's the oldest of a very large family, many of whom are also musicians.
Taylor Yorgason
Father. Aspiring Filmmaker. Lip-Sync Master. ​
Taylor is husband and father in a mega adorable family. He served his LDS mission in Minnesota, USA, and is currently studying in Brigham Young University's Media Arts program. As a student of film he has worked on a variety of student productions including Man and Kin, A New Hope, and Divine Comedy's video production team as a director and editor. He earned his Associate of Science degree at Snow College.​
He works full time for the Saints Unscripted YouTube channel as both a host and the editor for David Snell's Faith and Beliefs miniseries. He enjoys long walks alone at night in small towns beneath pale moonlight reflecting off new-fallen snow, teaching his son to blow raspberries, and day-dreaming of the next time he can make a movie. ​

Anthony Minson

Husband. Marketeer. Facebook Stalker.
Anthony is a proud husband and ginger. He served his LDS mission in the Philippines, earned his Associate's degree in Facebook Stalking (Social Media Marketing) from LDSBC, and is currently pursuing his Bachelor's degree in Marketing at Utah Valley University.
The most tech-savvy of the Broken Toothpicks, Anthony has always been prepared to supply both hardware AND software for our projects, trouble-shoot the most dire of computer crashes while preserving our footage, figure out the unknowns of social media algorithms, Google stuff, and always giving us a good laugh.